Tuesday, October 11, 2011

M & N's bedroom

The girls' bedroom

My girls' bedroom has been neglected for a very long time. So finally, this last Thanksgiving weekend, with a little help from my brother in law Vivek, we put up a photo shelf and got my elder daughter to help put up the polka dots. The paintings were made by elder daughter so we put those up as well. My younger one thinks the spots are bubbles...and why not eh? And the dolls...well, no better place to put them..so there they are all 5 of "em on the bedstead!

I bought this check mark book shelf in the hope of adding books. But for now, its holding some toys. Will have to think of ways to make this room more functional. But for now the girls are happy and so is their Mom.

Linking this to Weekly story-wk 52 on Coloursdekor


notyet100 said... Best Blogger Tips

Cute decor,..:)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my!! such a cute room.. :-)

Dr Sonia S V said... Best Blogger Tips

Those polka dots are adorable
Cheers from Bangalore ,India
Dr Sonia S V

Suzy said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for your comment on my blog. Love your blog. Lovely rooms.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

pretty design...

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