Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ethnic chic in Marseille

This is the house of Fabienne Collombel in Marseille, France. Her home is a treasure trove of her collections from her travel to Asia, South East Asia and Africa. A true mix of cultures and a very pretty home.

I absolutely love the way she has used turquoise blue and red in this room. 

Don't you love the way she has used umbrellas for decoration? 

Image courtesy: Marieclairemaison


Pamela Bates said... Best Blogger Tips

ooo, that chandelier. belmodo on etsy has a GORGEOUS one for sale!! love the chaise in picture one.

Nayana said... Best Blogger Tips

wow..simple, elegant and pop pf colors...

Nayana said... Best Blogger Tips

Do you have a google follow? I m not able to find it.

Reshma at said... Best Blogger Tips


Added the google friend connect button on the right hand bar!
Thanks for letting me know this!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

beautiful post...

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