Monday, December 5, 2011

DIY Decoupage and Modge Podge Crafts

This year was the first time I tried my hands with decoupage and modge podge on a pumpkin. 
It was a disaster! But I have not given up.

I happened to see other modge podge which I can make and am determined to make them!

1. Decoupage candles
(I only wish the Vera Bradley paper was easily available in Canada)

Tutorial is  here

2. Tile Coaster

Tutorial  here 

3. Scandinavian inspired christmas ornament

Tutotial here

4. A simple box to a BEAUTIFUL GIFT box 
(All those perfume set boxes that I use to stash ribbons and buttons etc. will get a makeover now)

Tutorial here 


Jordan said... Best Blogger Tips

thanks for linking up my tutorial!! merry christmas :)

Punky Prep said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for featuring my candles!

Kala said... Best Blogger Tips

Loved the candles def will try that n lovely Xmas ornament :)when u find time plz drop by at my blog

A Sunny Yellow Window said... Best Blogger Tips

Loved the candles and the coasters! Have a great season Reshma!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

yah i love the candles...amazing post

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

The coaster, Christmas ornament and boxes look absolutely stunning.. The candles look out of this world too.. I’ve never tried decoupage… but have been meaning to .. for a long time now! Thanks for linking in to Colours Dekor..

sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for featuring my gift boxes! :)

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